Tuesday, April 2, 2013

We spent a rainy Monday night in Draper, Utah.  The drive from Moab to Draper on HWY 6 goes along Spanish Fork Canyon and over Soldier Peak, reaching altitudes over 7,000 feet.  It started to rain and then hail making driving a bit dicey.  Fortunately, we felt quite safe in our robust and sturdy Ford.  Our stop in Draper was not for any particular scenic attraction, but merely a convenient midway point between Moab and Elko, NV, our destination for Tuesday.  I have included some "out takes" from the leftover photo file.
Puebloan architectural detail

Paula and Clifford examining vegetation

Amazing colors!

See waving hand in background

Dwarfed by arch

Effects of minerals on cliff wall

Layers of geological time

Mt. Rushmore?

Abe himself!

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