Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spent the night in Cortez, NM, at the Sundance RV Park.  Woke to a beautiful, sunny Easter morning.  After breakfast and a short walk to a local coffee shop, we headed for the Anasazi Heritage Center, a ten-mile drive north of Cortez.  The Center is an excellent natural history museum with extensive collections of early Puebloan cultural artifacts that rivals any major natural history museum in the US.  We spent an hour enjoying the collection before taking a well-developed half-mile trail to the Escalante and Dominguez Pueblos, excavated sites that date from AD 1120.  One photo below from the museum shows a reconstruction of a "pitstructure," a type of habitation used by the Anasazi dating from AD 800.  After leaving the museum, we traveled to Moab where we will spend the night and watch some of the exciting women's basketball quaterfinals!
Pitstructure from 800 AD

Nike precursors

Ute Indians, descendents of Anasazi

Ute couple with baby

Rocky Mts. in background

Excavated site at Escalante Pueblo

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